Extracting the value of a css variable to display


I needed to extract the value of a global CSS variable to print on a documentation site. I wanted this so that the docs didn’t have to be updated whenever the css styles are updated.

In the global CSS, I had the following variable

:root {
	--color-black: hsl(0,0%,5%);

On the Window you can getComputedStyle of an element. Since I’m doing this on a client side Svelte component, I used this simple function to return the value.

function printCssValue(cssValue: string) {
    const styles = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
    const value = styles.getPropertyValue(cssValue);

    return value ? value.trim().toUpperCase() : '';

Things to note

getPropertyValue will return a string with a leading space so that is why I had to trim() the string.