Looking forward to 2023


2023 is going to be an awesome year.

2022 was a year of resetting, grounding myself and finding a bit of stability. Now I feel like I can feel confident enough to start stretching again, and to start driving towards tackling a lot of things with emphasis on my personal health and having a breakout year in my career.

Personal Health

I’m not unhealthy, but I’m also not healthy. As I get older the more awkward aches and pains I seem to get, and I’m actually noticing that I’m mentally avoiding certain activities because I’m becoming more and more physically hesitant. I am unconsciously avoiding pain because I don’t trust my own capabilities anymore, and this sucks.

My goals for the next quarter:

Level up as a developer

In the years past, I wasted so much time trying to build as if I’m going to start a business and break out on my own. Last year, I did notice that I don’t actually have a desire to be a CEO of a breakout business. But, I do want financial stability, and autonomy of my day to day. I respect that what I do want, will require some degree of entrepreneurship, but upon reflection, its not what I want to do right now. This year, its about getting really good at what I do. I want to build and to finish projects.

I need to deprioritize the road blocking thoughts of “how will I make money on this” and just focus on if its fun and working with the tools I want to explore. I want by the end of the year, to have the confidence to look at most of my ideas and be able to just say “yeah I can build that”, and know that it’ll also be built, pretty darn well.

All in Svelte

To keep a reign in on my wandering mind, I’m going all in this year with svelte. I love the framework, and now that I’ve also figured out how to write mobile apps and desktop apps all with it, I’m going to stick with it for my projects.

Typescript fluency

I really need to figure this one out though. I still hesitate to do it, but slowly I’m forcing myself to use it and get comfortable with it, both at work and in my side projects.

Kaashin build system

Over the year I’m going to slowly put together my own starter build system, because I can. I’m going to try to build this out in public as I slowly reinvent the wheel to learn more about the intricate details that I take for granted.

Sell one product

Without the intention of actually making money on it, I just want to go through the steps and process of having something prepared for selling, getting it out there and setting up payments.

Build one app on mobile, desktop and web

Size of the app is not important. Again this one is about going through the process and see what are the things involved to get something published.

And other stuff

I’m sure there’s more… and I’ll add it here later.